SoundAct works with you to bring your neighbouring rights in-house, ensure your revenue is maximised and establish your company’s expertise and reputation.
Sustainable solution
SoundAct works with your business to create an in-house collections model that is not reliant on third parties and is adaptable to the marketplace.
Realistic cost structure
SoundAct charges a consultancy fee that more accurately reflects the true cost of collection, as opposed to a fixed percentage of earnings, which can end up penalising success.
Improved expertise
Direct access to SoundAct’s 30 years’ experience and established industry networks will enhance your team’s knowledge.
Greater control
SoundAct partners with you to establish priorities and strategies that complement and support your business needs, providing an unparalleled, flexible level of service.
Quicker payments
Payments are made directly to you by collecting societies as soon as they distribute, with no additional delays.
Greater transparency
In addition to source data from societies at the time of payment, SoundAct also delivers additional bespoke analysis and intelligence to benefit your wider business.
SoundAct can also provide help, support and training on a wide range of issues within your company.
In addition to collections work, we have assisted clients with:
Training on the industry and collecting society processes.
Analysing NR vs other income streams to identify income gaps and trends.
Creating systems to enable clients to offer collections services outside of their core business.
Providing independent NR advice to companies
Connecting companies with legal professionals who share our ethos.
Assisting with accounting and withholding tax administration.